Govt will provide all possible help to Anusha: Rosaiah

Posted by SRINU GUNTURU | | Posted On Saturday, September 19, 2009 at 10:47 AM

Hyderabad, Sept. 19:- The Chief Minister, Mr K. Rosaiah, today condemned the ghastly incident in which a stalker, Matta Rajesh, attacked 17-year-old Anusha injuring her grievously and killing her parents in Rajahmundry. The Chief Minister termed the incident as barbaric and atrocious and beyond human imagination. The Chief Minister said that the state government would take stringent action against the culprit. He said that the District Collector had already visited the spot and consoled the girl. Mr Rosaiah said the girl will be given all assistance and relief and the government will come to the rescue of the girl and take care of her education and livelihood besides arranging for further studies of her two younger sisters.The Chief Minister said that the Home Minister, Ms Sabita Indra Reddy, has left for Rajahmundry to personally assess the situation and console the victim. He said the culprit has already been arrested, chargesheeted and produced in the court at Rajahmundry. Mr Rosaiah, while condemning the incident, wondered whether the law-makers imagined such inhuman and barbarian people will ever be born. He said that the government will slap the culprit with the most stringent punishment so that no one will ever think of committing such heinous crime in future.The Chief Minister offered his sympathies to the girl and her two sisters who lost their parents in the attack by the maniac.


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